Movie reviews

AVATAR 2 The Way Of Water Best review 2022

buzzhulu |  August 1, 2022

What’S happening, there reject nation 45years in the making. We have ourselves atrailer for avatar 2.. If you caught ouryoutube short, we did not watch the trailerin, the theaters intentionally here weare today. If you guys can leave a likethat’d, be very much appreciatedlet’s see what all the glory is and we’re back wow good to see you good day, jake sully wow nipple chills chills, damn humans, wow wow.

I know one thing: wherever we go, this family wow, here’s our fortress, damn that [ __ ] it somuch better yeah and did they let him havehis australian accent? I don’t think so. It’S notlike his actual voice. I guess so. Yeah becausei’ve watched this again recently.

The the firstone on an oled tv on like 4k and then so it wasnoticing like yeah, the visual effects, still lookgreat, but there are some shading things that theycould definitely do just looking back at this nowi’m like oh yeah. They they fix a lot. Oh, my god theengine’s so sunny like whatever they used, you hadto control the light and the physics in this isis absolutely gorgeous, and that’s something thati remember from the original film and especiallyin 3d. That’S something that got me excited to seethat, even just water is, is present in the title ofthe movie, because one of the things that worked sowell about this, the transport of experience of the3d in that first movie, was in sequences. Wherewater was heavily prominent or glass or both irarely get excited for a 3d movie, but this is onewhere.

I’M like i got ta see that on the biggest andmost deep screen possible. Well, i think they shotthis with imax cameras. Here’S how we witnessedit. I took four seconds of footage where we hadto wait only got a little bit of a recordingthere way in the hallway. That’S the only way, wesaw 1 20th of the screen for like five secondslet’s just wait a minute, then right back inhere yeah.

I heard this movie took foreverto get made, especially because of the fact thatthey are dealing so much with being underwaterand. That was one of the biggest challenges of canthey really handle the mocap underneath there andthey figured out a way to do it. Apparently, thisdoesn’t really give you a lot of insight into thetrailer, from my understanding that this is goingto be a bit of a time jump where jake and nathirithey have children. Now they have like a wholefamily like three of them and they really neglectthe first one very emotionally abusive to that onebut baby gets all the attention the middle childis like observing. What’S going on it’s real familycomedy in the middle, that’s what i’m gon na bedealing with uh them and then they’re like i thinkthey’re looking for a new home, because apparentlysomething happened in the last movie to theirother: oh no industrialization!

When will it endthese sons? I thought they got rid of them at theend, but apparently they’re back. You know the humanuh uh spirit will never stop from trying to obtainunobtainium. So i feel like yeah, maybe there’s beenlike a second wave of people trying to come andmine and colonize or yeah. Maybe there’s somekind of other circumstance, but either way clearlywe’re gon na be dealing with the same two worldscolliding here, and nobody knows how yet but jamescameron’s talked about, like you know, we’re goingto bring steven lang back, so i feel, like thatwhole organization, is probably going to persistthrough.

These four movies, or whatever is plannedwell. It is still called avatar and it’s easy toforget that the avatar is some type of humannavi gene splice thing that was created so iwonder. What the development of the actual avataritself is did they do something where they wereable to get stephen lang and upload him into anavatar himself? You know steven blue steven ling, ilove. It make him blind crossover yeah.

You have himand courtney weaver’s supposed to return and jamescameron said that her character would be returningbut, then sigourney weaver came out and that she’splaying like a different character, she’s stillgonna, have that assertive sigourney weaverclassic personality. You know that’s what i loveabout her. So it seems like a woman, i would neverwant to piss off yeah yeah, but, like all the otherwomen, i gladly pissed them off any day of the week. She’Ll, take that respectyeah, so she’s going to be returning and you sawthis character featured prominently in the trailermore than our returning characters. I don’t knowjake champions who’s, the actor, the actor playingthis person yeah who’s like born on the can onthe settlements on pandora or whatever i thoughthe.

Would be fine, then like, if he’s body adjustedthey show him with the oxygen mask that they havehe’s, like the george of the jungle of this that’sright yeah yeah, he’s gon na be the new white saviorto unite the worlds together i mean the last moviealready had you know, Like, let’s face it, the navivery much inspired by native american and africanculture, and then white man steps in culturallyappropriates and becomes our savior. That’S rightyeah! That’S what we do! That’S why history loves usyeah, it’s good stuff, dude! It’S good!

This guyyou know this other guy born of the humansbut. He prefers to spend time with the navi welli’m excited to see the the reef people i’m noteven, going to attempt to pronounce their namewith an m, um, meticulous or something of metals. I think what the the biggest showcase of thistrailer had to evoke are the visuals gon na lookbetter, because that was one of the biggest thingsabout, the first movie. Well, people would often sortof pan the story which, on my second w, i had onlywatched it again for the first time a week, agoi actually really enjoyed a lot and the thestory may not be the strongest part of it and thebiggest part of it is often you Know the wonderthe world, the aura of pandora – oh oh bars in thecars at the stars. I love seeing you know, like yeahthe, showing off the development of the technologythat was already so groundbreaking and now we’llsee here, they’re gon na do the high frame ratething that peter jackson did with hobbit, but goodi’m curious, very curious to see because that’sthe other impressive thing is.

Is james cameronseems to find, i don’t know if he specificallylooks for stories that force him to innovate? Butyeah like i’m, really curious to see how that playsthis time around, as well as alongside the otherinnovations they had to do to shoot. Underwatermy favorite aspect of the original avatar wasjust that aura and that sort of beautiful tribalspirit that really permeates the whole tone. Thatyou can appropriate that i appreciate more thanmost people and i love they need their day, inthe sun. So let me step in and give it to themi’m gon na your culture is great.

I think i canfigure out what we can really do to make thisshine right come with me. Let me dress up like youthis is really taking me back to that feeling. Ofjust wonder and transportation, and just thisbeautiful tribal like while there is struggleand everything like that. Just this looked like thegreatest video game sim. I want to get into vr forwell it’s funny.

Looking at the last avatar movieit looks like a great ps5 video game and which islike a great cinematics off of a video game. Thislooked like a movie yeah, which, in 15 years it’lllook like a great ps7 video, yeah, well you’re likewow the rendering on siri’s face man. It looks realbut yeah, i’m excited for it. I can’t wait to seeit all right guys. What did you think leave yourthoughts down below you?

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